My life is just about as reincarnated as the newly painted window in my room. It took what seemed forever to scrape off the old dirty bits and layers that held me down but with a fresh coat and a little time to dry my life is beginning to sort itself. Did I just make a metaphor out of a window? Yes, I did. I do believe a job in the city of Cardiff, UK is in the cards for me coming up in January as well. Brilliant.
Due to the hype over this particular erotic novel "Fifty shades of grey" by EL James, I found it my literal duty to give it a read and see if it lived up to its glory. That's what I try to tell myself anyways. Samuel does not seem to approve. I'll be sure to share my professional opinion when I'm done.
The past weekend I've been quite a bit with my family and spent time on my great uncles ranch located in southeastern Sweden where I came to realize in the midst of it that I own a large amount of land, well inheriting. Badass much? There's so much history in those woods and open fields and I felt thoroughly honored to be allowed a part of it. The photograph above is of my great grandparents whom I remember and miss. They were strong beautiful people and their stories live on.