This is the plan I have created for myself which I started the 1st of February and hope to have successfully completed by the 1st of May. My overall goal is to trim and tone down and from there continue a healthy lifestyle.
St. Height: 16.5cm / 15cm
Width Around: 79.5cm / 75cm
CW: 54kg
GW: 52kg
LW: 7kg
run every day
do stomache exercises
do arm exercises
do ass/thigh exercises
no grain foods (pasta, potato, rice)
drink only water/coffee
no sweets
eat mostly fish if possible
lots of veggies
Width Around: 79.5cm / 75cm
CW: 54kg
GW: 52kg
LW: 7kg
do stomache exercises
do arm exercises
do ass/thigh exercises
drink only water/coffee
no sweets
eat mostly fish if possible
lots of veggies